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Place Value Posters

I want to share a free download of a set of place value posters I created for my math classroom. They were inspired by this place value pin that was uploaded by a pinterest user.  

I decided it needed to be recreated ASAP to go up in my classroom for the upcoming school year.

Free Download of Printable Place Value Posters

Here’s a photo of my version of the place value posters:

Free Download of Printable Place Value Posters

I created these posters in Publisher with these free fonts: HVD Comic Serif Pro and BlackJack.  You’ll need to download these to work with the editable version.  Otherwise, you can just download the PDF version and print!

Free Download of Printable Place Value Posters
Free Download of Printable Place Value Posters

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  1. Not to drive you crazy with things you've decided not to do right now, but what WOULD you change if you had the time? Just curious as I think about doing a similar display myself 🙂

    1. Some of the font spacing is a bit off. I'd probably change that.

  2. Thanks so much! I knew that I wanted/needed a place value display this year, but hadn't totally envisioned it yet. Not only did you give me the idea, but the template! Thank you SO much!

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